Pelagie Hebert

Graduate Lawyer

Although Pelagie initially had aspirations in the creative field during her teenage years, her true passion for law emerged during her second year of university while pursuing her Bachelor of Arts degree. Discovering her affinity for arguing certain viewpoints and the thrill of being right, she redirected her focus towards the legal profession.

Outside of her professional accomplishments, Pelagie takes pride in completing her thesis, a significant academic achievement. She tackled this endeavour, even amidst challenging times during lockdown.

When Pelagie is not at work, she dedicates her time to her family, as a mother of two young children. Her favorite hobbies revolve around her family, as she spends her days running around and caring for her children.

For Pelagie, satisfaction working with the Ward & Co. Legal Consultants team comes from the young and vibrant groups approach to cases. The team work together seamlessly, always ready to support and assist one another. The collaborative spirit and camaraderie within the team create an environment conducive to achieving the best outcomes for clients.